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F-751 AVOCADO Quality Meter (FELIX)

Products-Plant Analysis Instruments-Produce Quality Meter * Fruit/Vegetable

F-751 AVOCADO Quality Meter (FELIX)

Based on the original F-750 Produce Quality Meter, is specifically engineered to gauge the maturity of avocados via dry-matter assessment. The instrument is designed to accurately predict percent dry matter straight out of the box with just a simple push of the button. Utilizing a wi-fi connection, the data collected using the F-751 Avocado Quality Meter can be seamlessly transferred to a computer for easy analysis and data sharing.

Benefits of the Avocado Quality Meter include a more in-depth avocado model for measuring dry matter, as well as a significantly smaller price tag than the F-750 Produce Quality Meter.

The Avocado Quality Meter also comes with the ability to use Fruit Maps, the free interactive harvest map application co-created by Felix Instruments and Central Queensland University.

Key Features

  • Non-destructive measurements
  • Built-in GPS for easy crop mapping
  • Transflective display for outdoor viewing
  • Rechargeable/replaceable batteries that last all day
  • Ability to create unlimited customizable models for specific varieties or locations
  • Measures traits including, but not limited to:
    • Total Soluble Solids (TSS or brix)
    • Dry Matter
    • Titratable Acidity
    • Internal Color
    • External Color
  • Fast and consistent; scans take 4-6 seconds per sample





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