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F-750 Produce Quality Meter * Fruit (FELIX)

Products-Plant Analysis Instruments-Produce Quality Meter * Fruit/Vegetable

F-750 Produce Quality Meter * Fruit (FELIX)

The F-750 Produce Quality Meter uses near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, as developed at Central Queensland University, to estimate quality metrics such as dry matter, Total Soluble Solids (TSS or brix), titratable acidity, and color. Working like a high-powered flashlight, the F-750 sends particles of light into a commodity, then measures the NIR light interactance with molecular components inside of the commodity to quantify user-selected traits.

The F-750 has a wide range of applications, from determining optimal harvest timing by assessing fruit maturity, to providing an objective analysis of produce quality of fruit in packing houses and upon import.

The F-750 is a handheld, fully integrated system, allowing users to operate it out in the orchard or inside the QA lab. Its simple, intuitive user interface makes it easy for anyone to use, while its model building software makes it customizable and versatile.

Key Features

  • Non-destructive measurements
  • Built-in GPS for easy crop mapping
  • Transflective display for outdoor viewing
  • Rechargeable/replaceable batteries that last all day
  • Ability to create unlimited customizable models for specific varieties or locations
  • Measures traits including, but not limited to:
    • Total Soluble Solids (TSS or brix)
    • Dry Matter
    • Titratable Acidity
    • Internal Color
    • External Color
  • Fast and consistent; scans take 4-6 seconds per sample





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